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The Leashed Pack is a group of pet dogs that have survived the Big Growl in the city and is lead by Bella and/or Lucky.


The Leashed Pack never really had a territory.


In the Original Series

The Empty City

Lucky is in the mall, being chased by a hungry pack of foxes. A group of dogs help fend off the foxes, letting Lucky keep the meat that Old Hunter gave him.
He recognizes one of the dogs as his litter-sister, and they greet each other happily. He shares his meat with them, and soon finds out they are Leashed Dogs.
He is horrified. He turns to leave the mall, but the Leashed Pack, who consist of Bella, Martha, Sunshine, Bruno, and Daisy.
Before leaving the City, they take Alfie along with them.
The Pack has no official, or clear hierarchy, but the dogs all look to Lucky as a leader. Later, Bella call herself the Alpha of the group.

A Hidden Enemy

The Leashed Pack joins the Wild Pack at the end of the book.

Darkness Falls

Coming Soon

See Also

The Leashed Dogs
Members: Former Members: Lucky, Bella, Daisy, Mickey, Martha, Bruno, Sunshine

Former Members: Alfie
